Nature, environment and ecotourism

We have been actively involved with development projects in National Parks. Our tasks always include the preparation of preliminary and detailed feasibility studies as well as cost/benefit analyses. This work involves intensive professional consultations, site visits, terrain inspections and other hands-on activities to collect the required information.


HONEYNOOK - interactive educational program on honey bees


Development of infrastructural conditions in the forest school and kindergarten network


Conservation and restoration of botanical collections


Protection and restoration of habitat

The goal of our program is to emphasize the importance of protecting the environment and animals, focus on physical and mental health and experience the joy and power of teamwork.

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Conservation and natural reconstruction of caves in the Bükk mountains


Forest schools offer an unique experience to children while teaching them important lessons about our natural environment.


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Installation of amphibian passages and deflectors


Apart from providing a natural and protected environment for plants and animals, botanical and historical gardens also serve an educational purpose.


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Aqueous habitat reconstruction


The protection of habitat means the protection, restoration or the reservation of the current condition of a habitat.


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Protection of lifeless environmental assets


Reducing the harmful effects of infrastructure


Flood protection


Ranger services development

Protection of geological values


Lifeless environmental assets have significant value in their own rights but they also play an important role as refuges for certain animals.


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Electric overhead lines


The harmful effects of infrastructure established in protected areas can be greatly reduced by considering natural aspects.


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Infrastructural development for the forest school


Flood protection activities are aimed at reducing risks posed by rivers. These measures are also a part of a large scale economical and social development process in the affected regions.


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Ranger services development


The domestic Natura 2000 network and our protected areas require significant and active conservation management.


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Eco-Tourism development, visitor centers


Infrastructure development in habitat management





Eco-Tourism development, visitor centers


Creation of national park attractions based on their characteristics and build an infrastructure that is capable of realizing the associated revenues.


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Habitat rehabilitation

The two main aims of habitat management are protecting the environment and sustaining biodiversity.


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