Eco-Tourism development, visitor centers

Basic conditions for receiving tourists are available in all Hungarian National Parks but this does not necessarily mean the existence of complex services. Currently the primary clientele of services – as developed in collaboration with the National Park Directorates – are families and school groups. The basic objective of tourism development in national parks is to significantly increase the number of paying visitors in an organized manner. Its main components are the development of attractions and the improvement (sometimes creation) of reception conditions. National park tourism development implemented in the 2014-2020 period will contribute to the preservation of local values, as well as providing economic benefits for rural residents. With the assistance of proper management, these areas may become tourist attractions also showcasing natural and cultural values.


  Ranger services development


  1. Szeleta Park Visitor Centre – Lillafüred
  2. ‘Rózsabogár’ Visitor Centre – Mátrafüred