HONEYNOOK - interactive educational program on honey bees

From little ones to big ones… can everyone learn by playing?
A playful journey into the world of bees.
All participants in the interactive program are active discoverers and creators. Different age groups are given different tasks which they have to work on together in teams.
By completing the tasks participants gain knowledge and experience about the magical world of bees.
What would happen to the world without bees?
How can we protect them?
Participants learn about the relationship between flowering plants and bees. They get to know the flowers visited by bees.
As part of the program, we will be tasting several varieties of present tools used in an apiary.
The materials fit into the curriculum of kindergarten classes and school lessons.
The Honeycomb Family Playground is an exciting space for family events and festivals.
The goal of our program is
- to emphasize the importance of protecting the environment and animals
- focus on physical and mental health
- and experience the joy and power of teamwork.
How much can we - humans - learn from these tiny creatures?
"If you want to increase your wealth, follow the example of bees. The nectar is collected from the flowers but the process benefits the flowers instead of destroying them. Collect your wealth in a way that leaves the source stays intact so it can continue to grow."





  1. Schools, kindergartens:
    Petőfi Sándor Primary School,
    Budapest Bethlen Gábor Primary School,
    Budapest Keveháza Street Primary School,
    Budapest Alsóerdősori Bárdos Lajos Primary School,
    Budapest Hunyadi Mátyás Primary School,
    Solymár Sztehlo Gábor Primary School,
    Budapest Fabrícius József Primary School,
    Veresegyház Grosics Gyula Sports School,
    Budapest Palánták Kindergarten,
    Budapest Bocskai István Primary School,
    Budapest Juhász Gyula Primary School,
    Vác Children's House,
    Budapest Meseforrás Family Daycare
  2. Budapest European Honey Breakfasts:
    Budapest - District XII. - 14 kindergartens, 2017, 2018
    Montessori Member School of the Bethlen Gábor Primary School  2013-2019
  3. Family events, festivals: 
    National Hungarian Beekeeping Association, Budapest
    - Bee Day, 2013,2014,2015,2016
    - With honey - With spirit, 2017
    Honey Day in Szentgyörgymező Reading Room, Esztergom, 2015, 2016, 2017 Hungarian Agricultural Museum, Budapest - Summer camps Bear Farm, Veresegyház, 2016
    Hungaricum Festival, Csepel, 2017
    Pro-Talentis Foundation, Budapest
    Himalayan Children's Salt Therapy and Development Center,
    Csepel District XV. Daycare Camp 2017
    Earth Day 2019- Hegyvidék Local Government
    Újbuda Pedagogical Days Professional Event, 2018 Honey - Bees - Montessori BeePathNet European Project - 14 kindergartens in Budapest Hegyvidék local government